Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quotes from Elliot

Tonight Elliot said two things that I thought were note worthy:

1: I was just about to brush his teeth when he burped. He smacked his lips together and said: "Mmmm, that's good french fries!"

2: We were praying and he thanked God for me and Eric and I asked him: "What about baby sister Arden?" To which he started praying again: "Lord Jesus, thank you for my... Lord Jesus, thank you for my Arden and thank you for your Arden. Jesus name, Amen!"


Ali Lipski said...

Elliot says GREAT stuff!!! Keep these coming...
I think we need to have the kiddos play more often! :)

Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

Kids are so great...I love how they see things:)